So, this post is a bit overdue (no pun intended, hopefully). Kendall is staying busy at work and, of course, preparing for the baby. Jeff is in the middle of taking his qualifying exams and has been swamped with studying and preparing his dissertation proposal. But I know, I know... you people expect some content! Gotcha. So, here's the latest.
The pictures above show Kendall's pregnancy progression at 14 weeks, 16 weeks, 19 weeks, and 23 weeks. Kendall is now 26 weeks along, so she has 14 weeks to go. Hopefully, we'll have some more photos coming before long (Jeff finishes his exams on Sept. 16 so maybe he can be a little more attentive to the blog after that). Kendall regularly feels the baby kick these days, and Jeff finally got to feel her kick one night last week, which was very exciting! For a while there it seemed like every time he would put his hand on Kendall's belly, the baby would settle down. He's not sure if she was thinking, "Oh, here comes daddy; I better settle down lest I get in trouble," or "Oh, there's daddy; his hand and voice are so calming to me."
Things are moving right along as well with the midwives' office. The baby's heartbeat has dropped to between 130 and 140. Originally it was in the 150's. The midwives assure us that this is all right on track and normal. We've also signed up for some classes: Preparing for Childbirth, Newborn Care, and Breastfeeding. Jeff thinks he can help out with the first two, but isn't sure how much good he'll be at the last one. We also have a car seat class scheduled for early in November.
So preparations are going well. People continue to bless us with things on the registry and other items, all of which we are very grateful for. We'd also like to send out our congratulations and best wishes to Kendall's cousin, Carman, and her husband Ken, who just recently had their third daughter together! We hope mom and baby are doing well.
That's the news for now. We'll try to file our copy a little more quickly next time. God bless you all!
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