Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Growing Gangbusters

It's amazing how much can happen in four months, particularly in the life of a baby. The little girl that used to do little more than sleep, eat and poop is now starting to really become aware of the world around her and the people in it.

Taken on 4/28/10

Eden now loves to bang on tables, play with her toys, coo, smile, and even laugh occasionally. She is constantly looking around, especially at the TV, which we try to curb, but it's a tough battle to fight. She is rolling over both ways these days, although it still seems more accidental than intentional. However, we have gone into her room on more than one morning to find her lying on her tummy, snoozing away.

We've also found that Eden loves books - not reading them so much, but eating them. I guess it's a start. Daddy has started reading the book of Proverbs to her, as well as other Bible stories. It's never too early, right? Other favorites include Mother Goose, a book of numbers (i.e. numerals, not the Biblical book, which might be a little dry to start out on), and her ABCs and animal books.

Easter Sunday after church

Yesterday, Eden went to her four-month doctor's appointment. She weighed in at 14 lbs 13 oz (72nd percentile) and 25.5 inches long (87th percentile). The length is in her legs. She has actually outgrown some of her six-month sleepers simply because they are too short in the legs.

Eden's sensory project at babyschool (4/8/10)

She also got her second round of shots yesterday, which, of course, she wasn't happy about. However, Kendall and I were both amazed at how quickly she settled down afterwards. After about a minute of crying, she was fine.

The amazing floating baby head and arms trick!

The nurse practitioner told us that Eden meets all the requirements to start solid foods whenever we feel comfortable. So, we're thinking about throwing a pizza and ice cream party this weekend. I'm only kidding, please don't call child protective services. We are, however, thinking we'll start giving her some rice cereal in the next few weeks.

"If I don't get some solid food soon, I'm going to
eat these toes. Is that really what you want?"

We hope all is well for everyone out there. That's the news for now from our end. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Hey Guys!

    Look! You have a comment on your blog!

    Your daughter is beautiful! I think she would enjoy the pizza and ice cream...maybe you can invent a soft pizza for babies!

    We will add your blog to our favorites so we can stay in touch. We had fun catching up with you this weekend!

    Kim and Joel

  2. Thanks! I will have to look into the soft pizza idea. Could make millions! We had a great time catching up with you all as well. Hope the move to CT goes great.
