Sunday, March 11, 2012

We're back!

For those of you who used to follow this blog regularly, you know that we've been sort of off the grid for a while now. We experimented with making this a private blog, but it sort of ends up not being worth the time of keeping a blog if it's going to be private. That is, we had to invite specific people to subscribe to the blog, and then those people had to sign up to read it. As you might expect, this ends up being just a bit too much hurdle-jumping to have a broad, regular readership.

So we debated quitting the blog altogether, but as I've thought more about it, I've kind of decided that we've put a lot of time into it and I'd rather not just abandon it. We also had a change in our family about a month ago that I thought merited sharing with our friends and family who might not already know. We lost our dog, Henry.

PetSmart Puppy School

What a cute pup!

Happy First Birthday, Henry!

Welcome home, Eden!

Henry was a wonderful pet. He was great with Eden, not a mean bone in his body. He loved to play and insisted on being a part of everything the family was doing. He was a great traveler, and he made our home warmer for the time he was in it.

Lil' buddies

Merry Christmas! 2011

Unfortunately, Henry also loved to run, and one day he got out of the yard and got hit by a car. It was nobody's fault. It was just one of those things. We all miss him, and things haven't been the same around the house, but we're moving on.

In other news, Eden is growing and developing in leaps and bounds every day. That's another reason I thought it would be worth starting the blog back up again. Now that we live in North Carolina, we don't get to see the Florida folks as much as we used to, so I thought bringing the blog back would be a good way to stay connected with everyone there.

A new bike for Christmas! 2011

Eden with MeMe & Grandpa

Eden & Grandma

Little Elf

We've been making good use of Skype, so that's been a nice convenience of modern technology. Although we'd love to be with everyone in person, video calls are a nice alternative.

Happy 2nd Birthday Eden!

Eat cake!

A "Barney" birthday party!

Kendall and I are both plugging along at work. Kendall went on a trip to Kalamazoo, Michigan, not too long ago. She said it went pretty well, but I think she's also glad we ended up somewhere still in the South. Spring break started for me this week, which really means that I have some time when I don't have class so I can get some other work done.

We've also enjoyed being able to spend some time with my cousin Cody and his family. They came over to Wilmington from Ft. Bragg a few weeks ago and we had a very nice time with them. This was the second time we've seen them since moving here, and we've enjoyed those opportunities. We have some other folks we'd like to try to connect with soon, too - my cousin Travis and his family, my friend Jason in Greensboro, my cousin Chuck around Charlotte, and I'd like to make it up to West Virginia for the Vest family reunion one of these Fourths of July.

Chef Eden!

Ready to go!

Anyway, that's the latest in a nutshell. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more frequently now that we've got the blog up and running again. We hope you are all doing well.

That's the news for now. We'll keep you posted.