Chugga chugga, chugga chugga, chugga chugga ... It can't be much further now. Wait, what's that? A light at the end of the tunnel. No, it can't be. Yes, I think just maybe it is!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the Neelys' time in Gainesville is in the home stretch. There's still a lot to be done before we move to North Carolina in August, but the reality of our departure is definitely starting to sink in more.
Of course, the biggest hurdle still to jump is my dissertation defense, which is scheduled for April 4. That's when I will lay my scholarly soul bare before my committee and humbly ask for their blessing on my work of the last three and a half years.
Then this summer, Kendall and I will travel to Wilmington, NC, for our house-hunting trip. Our plan is to make the final move sometime in early August before my start date on the 15th.
While any major life change like this comes with some adjustment, we are looking forward to this next chapter in our lives. I'm excited to see what God has in store for us and what life has in store for our family.
With the time we have left here in town, we've been trying to get out and enjoy some of the local Gainesville attractions. This past weekend we went out to Kanapaha Botanical Gardens. The weather was lovely, and since dogs on a leash are allowed at the gardens, Henry got to go too! Even though many of the flowers there aren't in full bloom yet, we had a great time walking around and enjoying the day.
A few weeks ago we went to Devil's Millhopper, a huge sinkhole on the north side of town that they have turned into a park and nature preserve. Kendall and I got our exercise walking down and then back up the many stairs that descend into the sinkhole. Eden got her exercise running away from us on the woodland path that goes around the top.
We've also enjoyed taking Eden to the park a few times since the weather has been so nice. She is a big fan of the slide, and she's starting to warm up to the swing.
Back home, Eden seems to discover something new every day. Most recently, she has found out how funny it is to bend over with her head between her legs and look at you upside down. After she's done that for a while, she'll proceed to use you as her personal jungle gym. There's nothing that says "I love you" like throwing all your weight onto the stomach of an unsuspecting family member.
Let's see, what else is she doing these days? She climbs on everything! One of her favorites is the toy box. She has taken to climbing up there and dancing as close as she can to the edge. I'm telling you, that girl is fearless. Even her teachers at daycare have said she is one of the toughest and bravest little kids they've seen.
Eden has also become extremely independent (or at least that's the way she sees it). She has made it plainly known that we are not to help feed her at mealtimes anymore. She is perfectly capable of spreading her food all over her face, throwing it around the room, dropping it on the dog's head, and occasionally even getting some in her mouth all by herself.
In fact, Eden has decided that she is so good at this eating thing that she can even do it with pretend food. Her favorite imaginary meal seems to be dipping an imaginary french fry (i.e., a plastic toy block) into the imaginary ketchup (i.e., an empty plastic toy cup). Not only is she a natural pro now at feeding herself this imaginary food, but she'll also share this slobbery block delight with you when she's in a hospitable mood.
But Eden is not only interested in eating the food; she seems to have a penchant for the culinary arts as well. She loves to pull the Tupperware out of the cabinet and run around with spices she's swiped from the pantry. Many evenings Eden serves in the kitchen as Mommy's commis, hanging on her pant legs and sitting underfoot - Tupperware strewn about the floor - as Kendall fixes dinner. Look out Paula Deen!
Kendall continues to serve as a stellar histology supervisor for Shands. I know a few people there have commented how much they will miss her when she leaves. I think they probably recognize that they're going to have a very tough time trying to fill her shoes. She goes above and beyond what's expected of her every day. I know because I hear the phone calls she answers when she has to handle the frequent after-hours emergencies that arise.
I tell her, probably not as often as I should, but I should tell you all too: I am very grateful to have such a supportive wife and teammate in this journey of life. God truly blessed me when He brought us together.
That's the news for now. We'll keep you posted.