Sunday, January 24, 2010
Enjoying Eden
If you ever get tired of your daily routine, have a baby. I assure you, the notion of routine will quickly become a hazy memory that visits you briefly in the early morning hours while you're in the rocking chair with your finger holding the pacifier in place, trying to hold your eyes open as your baby decides she has no intention of shutting hers. And as that memory visits you, taunting you like an oasis mirage on the burning sands that fill your eyelids, you'll look down at your baby and think, "I never knew what I was missing."
Life has certainly taken a drastic change for us here in the Neely household, but we are adjusting well and enjoying each day of learning and loving with our new baby. Truth be told, Kendall has taken the bulk of the late night child-tending duties as she is off from work right now. Since I can't nurse and I'm trying to get data collection done on my dissertation, we have decided that, at least during the week, it makes the most sense for Kendall to do most of the getting up during the night. But I still feel guilty. Does that count at all?
Eden is doing well. She is eating and pooping and peeing and sleeping and pooping and eating and pooping and pooping and peeing and sleeping and eating and pooping... not necessarily in that order. She went to her pediatrician 10 days after she was born and she was up to 8 lbs. The doctor was very pleased and told us that unless something came up that we would not see him again until March. So far she seems to be healthy and thriving.
We are currently looking for daycare for when Kendall goes back to work. We've called and driven by a couple of places and visited two. We have one or two more to visit and then we'll be making a decision soon.
We recently took a trip to Tampa to do our first visit to the grandparents. We did our belated Christmas with my side of the family and we got to see Kendall's aunt, uncle, some of her cousins and their families. It was nice to enjoy the time with everyone.
As I'm sure you noticed, I attached a slideshow to this post with pictures from this first month with Eden. She is such a delight. We hope you are all doing well.
That's the news for now. We'll keep you posted.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Our first walk
Here is a quick little video from our first walk with the baby. Why didn't anyone tell me I sounded like a mix between Rudolph and Big Bird?!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Welcome to the world, Beautiful

It doesn't matter how many times people tell you that your life is about to change or that you're going to love this new little person more than you can imagine; until it happens, you can't comprehend how true these words are.
Eden Faithe Neely came into this world in December 2009. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She is the most amazing thing this first-time father has ever seen. She is beautiful just like her mother and perhaps a little stubborn just like her dad.
Kendall and I checked into North Florida Regional Hospital in Gainesville at 10 p.m. on the night before Eden was born for a scheduled induction the next morning. Being two weeks overdue, Eden's eviction papers had been served. It was time for her to vacate the premises and meet the outside world.
At midnight, the labor nurse gave Kendall Cervidil to prepare her for the induction slated for 7 a.m. However, by about 2 a.m. it became evident that labor had already started. Throughout the early morning hours, Kendall held on through contraction after contraction, while I did what I could to soothe and support her. When the nurse examined Kendall at about 4:30 a.m., she told her she was two to three centimeters dilated.
Kendall's mom Cathy had driven up from Tampa the night before and slept at our apartment. Kendall's dad Tom would drive up from Tampa and arrive later in the morning. They were both a tremendous support not only emotionally, but also in keeping Henry and us fed and helping with housekeeping. When Cathy arrived to the hospital at 6:30 a.m., Kendall's contractions were very strong and she was in active labor.
The midwife Shana came in and examined Kendall at 8:15 a.m. and told us that she was only four centimeters dilated. Realizing that this was not going to be a short labor, and being in a great deal of pain, Kendall asked for some relief. The nurse came about a half-hour later and gave Kendall a dose of Nubain to take the edge off the contractions. Then at 9:45 a.m., the nurse anesthetist came in and gave Kendall her epidural. I think this was one of the best decisions Kendall could have made, as we had no idea how long the labor would really last.
As it turned out, Kendall continued to labor with decreasing progress until late-afternoon when the midwife and labor nurse decided to put her on Pitocin to help strengthen the contractions. Thankfully, Eden showed no signs of distress throughout the long labor. Kendall continued to progress slowly until about 10 p.m. when the doctor, nurse and midwife came in to determine if Kendall would need a C-section. After another exam, they decided to have Kendall try to push.
An hour and a half later, after more than 21 hours of labor, Eden Faithe was delivered. She scored a nine on both her 1-minute and 5-minute Apgar scores and all tests have indicated that she is healthy.
While her first-time parents are still trying to figure out their new life of child rearing, they could not be happier or prouder of their precious baby.
Kendall and I are experiencing and surviving the notorious sleepless nights and keeping busy cleaning up after our little poop and pee factory. But we are also loving every minute of it.
Jeff's parents Bill and Joy, along with Jeff's sister Stephanie, her husband Brian and their children Josh and Shaylee came to visit on New Year's day. We had a fantastic day of enjoying Eden, snapping lots of photos, eating pizza, and playing Band Hero. It was a real blessing for us to celebrate the new year by sharing this time together.
Again, thank you to everyone for the thoughts, prayers, well wishes, and generosity in our journey to this new stage of life. We hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and that 2010 brings you the greatest joy. May you prosper even as your soul prospers.
That's the news for now. We'll keep you posted.
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