It is quite amazing what technology allows us to do now. We went on Saturday to have a 3-D/4-D ultrasound done, and it's really astonishing how you can see our little girl's features so distinctly. Granted, it's still not exactly like taking a photo, but you can clearly see in these pictures her eyes, hands, mouth, nose, feet, cheeks, and other features. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them for a better view.
In fact, it looks as if we already have life lesson one to prepare; "good finger, bad finger." You can see in the picture above that she appears to be giving us the bird. Maybe she was feeling a little feisty or just didn't want to be hounded by the in utero paparazzi. In all seriousness, the excitement is really starting to sink in with a whole new level of reality. We also have a DVD, and if I can find a way to get that into a format to post, I'll put some of that on here too.
It was nice that the whole family got to come to the "photo shoot" as well! Kendall's mom, dad, and grandpa were all there, along with Jeff's mom, dad, sister, and niece. Kendall laid on the table with Jeff sitting in a chair next to her, while the family sat around on a cushy sectional sofa watching the "show" on a big-screen TV. Jeff is considering setting up a concession stand outside selling popcorn and Goobers. After the ultrasound, we all gathered at the Palmer's house (Kendall's parents) for a shrimp boil, which was delicious. A good time was had by all.
We've been very blessed recently to have friends and family give generously as we get ready for our baby. We picked up the crib today and ordered the changing table, so we are off to a good start in making a home for our little girl. We've also been blessed with a number of adorable new and barely used outfits for her. We are so grateful for the kind, caring people around us.
Until next time, best to all.